“the road less traveled”
Enhance attune and fortify your path with the universal language of light
Getting the benefits of color and sound is relatively simple, just look around, you’re in living color!
Our Inner Rainbow is our chakra system, a network of spinning, colored energy centers that absorb and distribute light, the universal language of creation. This energy force is as important to our well being as the food and water we ingest. Our physical and subtle bodies (electromagnetic and auric) depend on it every day.
By seeking assistance to attune and fortify our energy system, our experience of life can be greatly enhanced. Having assistance from a trusted mentor (a wayshower, a light on, a Hug) can allow a quickening. The more you light up from the inside out, the better you feel, as you connect to your soul through your Inner Rainbow.
Cathy Morton can help you discover more inner freedom. Read about the services Cathy offers